
Develop a completely new application, using the techniques we have explored so far.

Create New Application

Each time we start a new application, we will 'clone' a starter app like this:

Create New Project

Create a new play project using this command:

git clone https://github.com/wit-hdip-comp-sci-2019/play-template-1

The shell should show something like this:

Cloning into 'play-template-1'...
remote: Counting objects: 66, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (47/47), done.
remote: Total 66 (delta 9), reused 66 (delta 9), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (66/66), done.

Rename Project

The default name of the project should be changed now. This will require the following procedure:

  • Rename the folder play-template-1. Call the folder todolist instead.
  • Use Sublime Text to edit this file: playlist/conf/application.conf. The first three lines contains the following:

      # This is the main configuration file for the application.
      # ~~
  • Change play-template-1 above to todolist, and save the file:

      # This is the main configuration file for the application.
      # ~~

Import into Idea

Still in the shell, and in the project folder enter the following command:

play idealize

You should get this response:

~        _            _
~  _ __ | | __ _ _  _| |
~ | '_ \| |/ _' | || |_|
~ |  __/|_|\____|\__ (_)
~ |_|            |__/
~ play! 1.5.2, https://www.playframework.com
~ OK, the application is ready for Intellij Idea
~ Use File, Open Project... to open "todolist.ipr"

Launch Idea eclipse, and select Open. Select the todlist folder and presse Open. The project should open like this:

Open a command prompt inside the todolist folder, and run the app:

play run

Verify that the skeleton app is available:

Do not proceed to the next step until the above procedure has been completed without any errors.

Static Todo List

Replace the contents of the Dashboard view with the following:


#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Dashboard' /}

#{menu id:"dashboard"/}

<section class="ui raised segment">
  <header class="ui header">
    Todo List
  <div class="ui bulleted list">
    <div class="ui item"> Make tea</div>
    <div class="ui item"> Go for snooze</div>
    <div class="ui item"> Make more tea</div>

<form class="ui stacked segment form" action="/dashboard/addtodo" method="POST">
  <div class="field">
    <input placeholder="Title" type="text" name="title">
  <button class="ui blue submit button">Add Todo</button>

Also, change the title in the menu:


<nav class="ui menu">
  <header class="ui header item"> <a href="/"> Todo List </a></header>
  <div class="right menu">
    <a id="dashboard" class="item" href="/dashboard"> Dashboard  </a>
    <a id="about" class="item" href="/about"> About </a>

  $("#${_id}").addClass("active item");

The Dashboard will look like this:

Notice that the dashboard has a form - with a single text entry - the user can interact with.

Todo Model

In the models package, bring in the following class:


package models;

import play.db.jpa.Model;

import javax.persistence.Entity;

public class Todo extends Model
  public String title;

  public Todo(String title)
    this.title = title;

This class models a simple todo item - containing a string.

Add Todo Route + Action

Examine the dashboard form again - particularly the action attribute of the <form> element:

<form class="ui stacked segment form" action="/dashboard/addtodo" method="POST">

This is the route we need to support. i.e. we need an entry in our routes file to match this route with a controller method.

Here it is:


POST    /dashboard/addtodo                      Dashboard.addTodo

Add the above to the routes file just under the existing /dashboard route.

Now add a new method in Dashboard class to handle the route:

  public static void addTodo(String title)
    Todo todo = new Todo(title);
    Logger.info("Adding Todo" + title);

Run the application now - and verify that you can add a todo item. The UX will not display them yet however (we still have the static elements).

We can view them in the database however:

We should see something like this:

Todo UX

In order to display the Todos - we need to change the Dashboard.index() method such that it fetches all of them from the database, and sends them to the view:


  public static void index()
    Logger.info("Rendering Dashboard");
    List<Todo> todolist = Todo.findAll();
    render("dashboard.html", todolist);

Now we can start to display them in the dashboard view. Replace just the todolist section with the following:


<section class="ui raised segment">
  <header class="ui header">
    Todo List
  <div class="ui bulleted list">
    #{list items:todolist, as:'todo'}
      <div class="ui item"> ${todo.title} </div>

We have removed the static todo items, and we should now be rendering the todo items as submitted by the user (and stored in the database).

Try adding more todos - and verify that they appear in the list after you press Add Todo. Also, verify that you can see them in the database.

Exercise 1: Yaml + Bootatrap

Using a new yaml file, which you create in the conf folder - seed the database with 3 todo items. The yaml file is usually called data.yml. Here is an example of a single todo item:

  title: Make tea

Remember, you will need to introduce the bootstrap class into the project:

import java.util.List;

import play.*;
import play.jobs.*;
import play.test.*;

import models.*;

public class Bootstrap extends Job 
  public void doJob()

This must be created in the app folder of the project

This is covered in detail in Lab08a:

To see if this works as expected - stop the app (Ctrl+C in the console that started the app) - and re start it. This time it should display the todo items loaded from the yaml file.

Try adding a few more, but remember, this is loaded just once on application startup. So they will not appear until you restart the app again.

Exercise 2: Tables

Change the todo view segment in the dashboard view:


<section class="ui raised segment">
  <header class="ui header">
    Todo List
  <div class="ui bulleted list">
  #{list items:todolist, as:'todo'}
    <div class="ui item"> ${todo.title} </div>

Have them display the todo items in a 2 column table instead of a list. Here is an example of a 2 column table to get you started.

<table class="ui fixed table">
      <th>title 1</th>
      <th>title 2</th>
      <td> col 1</td>
      <td> col 2 </td>

The dashboard should look like this:

Exercise 3: Delete button

Include a 'delete' button into the second column of the todo table to look like this:

Examples of various style of buttons here:

Leave the href for the button as # for the moment.

Exercise 4: Delete Implementation

Introduce the following route into the application:


GET     /dashboard/deletetodo/{id}              Dashboard.deleteTodo

In the view, we can implement the href for the button:

        <td> <a href="/dashboard/deletetodo/${todo.id} " class="ui tiny red button"> Delete </a> </td>

This requires this method in the Dashboard controller

  public static void deleteTodo(Long id)
    // Implementation here...
    // ...

How would you go about deleting the todo item from the application model? Some hints below (it is not that hard!)


To find a todo in the database:

    Todo todo = Todo.findById(id);

To remove some object from the database:


Exercise 5: Admin Feature

Introduce a new route into the app:

Which should display:

This will involve:

  • a new route
  • a new controller called Admin
  • a method in that controller that fetches all todos and sends them to a new view
  • call this new view admin.html


Exercise 2 Solution in Lab08b implemented something similar:


Solution - including all exercises:

Exercise 1: Open and Run Sample Solution

First, download the zip of the project above and unzip. Then run:

play idealize

from inside the unzipped folder. In Idea, open the project in a 'New Window' - so that you can compare the solution with your own version of todolist.