Review the Playlist Application
In Lab 09b, we extended the original playlist application to support the creation and deletion of playlists + songs.
This is the version as we left it:
Download this archive - unzip it, and make it available for Idea by entering:
play idealize
Inside the download folder. Open the project in Idea:
You can run the application from inside IDE via the terminal (as shown above).
Verify the basic operation of the app:
All the buttons should work
In order to refresh our understanding of how the application works, start by looking at the routes file:
GET / Start.index
GET /dashboard Dashboard.index
GET /dashboard/deleteplaylist/{id} Dashboard.deletePlaylist
POST /dasghboard/addplaylist Dashboard.addPlaylist
GET /playlists/{id} PlaylistCtrl.index
GET /playlists/{id}/deletesong/{songid} PlaylistCtrl.deleteSong
POST /playlists/{id}/addsong PlaylistCtrl.addSong
GET /about About.index
GET /admin Admin.index
Each of these represents a link that the application can serve. These links are in the various views our application presents.
This is the route for the entire application
GET / Start.index
it will render the start page:
This is the controller method:
public static void index() {"Rendering Start");
render ("start.html");
... and this is the start view:
#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Start' /}
#{menu id:"start"/}
<section class="ui center aligned middle aligned segment">
<h1 class="ui header">
Welcome to Playlist 1
A small app to let you compose playlists. This app will allow you to create, manage and share your playlists. Simple enter the playlist details one the dashboard.
Rendering as :
Carry our the above inspection for the following routes:
GET /dashboard Dashboard.index
GET /about About.index
GET /admin Admin.index
I.e. Examine the controller + the associated view. Perhaps put them into a single text file using sublime so you can look at each controller method + view to get familiar with the life cycle, response composition and rendered page.
These routes here are a little different, in that they each contain at least one item in braces:
GET /playlists/{id} PlaylistCtrl.index
GET /dashboard/deleteplaylist/{id} Dashboard.deletePlaylist
GET /playlists/{id}/deletesong/{songid} PlaylistCtrl.deleteSong
Take this one for instance:
GET /playlists/{id} PlaylistCtrl.index
This is the matching controller method:
public static void index(Long id)
Playlist playlist = Playlist.findById(id); ("Playlist id = " + id);
render("playlist.html", playlist);
and this is the view:
#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Playlist' /}
#{menu id:"dashboard"/}
<section class="ui segment">
<h2 class="ui header">
#{listsongs playlist:playlist /}
#{addsong playlist:playlist /}
This renders as:
The key aspect to note here is the {id}
is replaced by an actual number (9 in the example). And this number is passed to index as id
public static void index(Long id)
.. and then used to locate the specific playlist in the model:
Playlist playlist = Playlist.findById(id);
This fetched playlist is then passed to the view:
render("playlist.html", playlist);
.. and is in turn passed by the view to the listsongs
#{listsongs playlist:playlist /}
Listsongs then iterates through the array, displaying each song in turn:
<table class="ui fixed table">
#{list items:_playlist.songs, as:'song'}
<a href="/playlists/${}/deletesong/${}" class="ui tiny red button">Delete Song</a>
Sounds complicated! - However this is typical of the life cycle of requests/response in web applications.
Try the above exercise - inspecting the life cycle of these routes:
GET /dashboard/deleteplaylist/{id} Dashboard.deletePlaylist
GET /playlists/{id}/deletesong/{songid} PlaylistCtrl.deleteSong
The last one is particularly interesting - notice there are 2 variables in braces: {id}
and {songid}
. Why are both needed?
The final routes of interest are the POST routes:
POST /dasghboard/addplaylist Dashboard.addPlaylist
POST /playlists/{id}/addsong PlaylistCtrl.addSong
POST is always used in the context of a from - and the above support forms for creating playlists or songs.
Looking at this one in more detail:
POST /dasghboard/addplaylist Dashboard.addPlaylist
This route is associated with this form:
<form class="ui stacked segment form" action="/dashboard/addplaylist" method="POST">
<div class="field">
<input placeholder="Title" type="text" name="title">
<button class="ui blue submit button">Add Playlist</button>
.. and this controller method:
public static void addPlaylist (String title)
Playlist playlist = new Playlist (title, 0); ("Adding a new playlist called " + title);;
redirect ("/dashboard");
When the method completes, it just triggers the dashboard route again:
public static void index()
{"Rendering Admin");
List<Playlist> playlists = Playlist.findAll();
render ("dashboard.html", playlists);
This will display the list of playlists - this time the database query will return one less.
Inspect this route in detail:
POST /playlists/{id}/addsong PlaylistCtrl.addSong
Consider carrying out the same exercise for the TodoList 1 application
Consider carrying out the same exercise for the TodoList 2 application - this is the same application but with the addition of Session support.